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presents MASHUP JACK




강력한 사운드를 구사하는 네덜란드의 Rawstyle 아티스트 Jack Of Sound.

12살무렵 부터 작곡을 시작한 그는 2008 B2S Rookie Nights 와 여러 리믹스 콘테스트에서 우승하며 두각을 나타내었고, 같은해 Decibel Outdoor festival 에 이름을 올리며 하드스타일 아티스트로서의 입지를 구축해 나갔다.

2010년 네덜란드 하드스타일 레이블 Fusion Records와 계약 후 Roughstate와 더불어 Scantraxx recordz 산하 레이블인 A2, Unleashed Records에서 릴리즈하고 있으며 Defqon.1, Decibel Outdoor, Q-Base, Dominator, X-Qlusive 등 유수의 하드댄스뮤직 페스티벌에 이름을 올리고 있다.

이번 래빗홀 에서의 첫 내한공연에서는 특별히 한국의 팬들을 위해 JACK OF SOUND의 오리지널 플레이와 그의 시그니쳐 live-act 인 MASHUP JACK 으로 두 번의 플레이가 예정되어 있으며 미국을 기반으로 활동하고 있는 Harsh Records 소속아티스트 HPNOTIC 과 Home of Harder Styles, 호주의 Masif Saturdays 출신 A-STARZ, 한국 하드스타일 씬을 이끌어가고 있는 HOURGLAXX 소속 아티스트들이 서포트 디제이로 함께한다.


Jack of Sound is a Dutch rawstyle artist who is well known for his prolific sound.

He started writing music since the age of 12 and was put on the map as a hardstyle artist from 2008 when he won multiple contests such as B2S Rookie Nights and performed at Decibel Outdoor Festival that same year.

In 2010, he signed with Fusion Records which is a Dutch hardstyle label and produced his work along with Roughstate through A2 and Unleashed Records which are Scantraxx recordz's affiliate labels. He also has been performing at Hard dance music festivals such as Defqon.1, Decibel Outdooor, Q-base, Dominator, X-Qlusive, etc.

This is his first performance in Korea and for his Korean fans at Rabbit hole, he prepared the Original play of Jack of Sound along with MASHUP JACK which is his signature live-act to be played twice.

HPNOTIC who based in the US and signed artists at Harsh Records,

A-STARZ who is from Australia's Masif Saturdays it called Home of Harder Styles and Korean hardstyle artists from HOURGLAXX will be joining Jack of Sound as supprting DJs.








Door open 10PM - 5AM

Pre-sale 18,000 KRW

(limited sale on RA & ComeUp)



Before 1AM 20,000 KRW

After 1AM 25,000 KRW

All audience 1 Jagermeister icecold shot

서울시 용산구 이태원동 127-15

127-15 Itaewon-Dong, Yongsan-Gu, Seoul

INFO & VIP +82 10 9045 6758

Kakao Plus : Itaewon Rabbit Hole

Sponsored by

Jägermeister Korea / Redbull Korea

